Faith Baptist Church

About Us

Joshua Howington


Pastor Josh, his wife Leah, and son Judah are originally from south Louisiana. He and his wife, Leah moved to Kilgore in May of 2021 after they both felt God’s clear direction moving them from their church in Louisiana, where Pastor Josh served as an assistant pastor and music leader for several years. Pastor Josh did not receive any formal theological training, he studied the Bible under his pastor and church and took a particular interest in Bible doctrine

“Our prayer is that we make a difference. We simply desire to please the Lord in all that we do. We anticipate seeing many souls come to Christ and many lives changed by the power of the gospel. To God be all the glory for what He will do in Kilgore.”  -Pastor Josh

Our Purpose

Here at Faith Baptist Church we are dedicated to lovingly sharing the truth’s of God Word. Our purpose is two-fold. The first is to know Christ. Not only do we believe in the importance of understanding who Jesus Christ is and what He did for us on the cross but we also recognize that there is a great importance to live out our faith before a lost and dying world. It is with great joy that we announce that we have found answers in God’s Word to the many questions we face in life. We hold to a high view of Scripture. We preach the Gospel to both sinners and saints.

The second aspect of our purpose is to make Him known. We believe we are to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We recognize God’s Word as the source of our authority and that the gospel message is what truly changes lives.

We would love to have you come and visit us here at Faith Baptist Church.

Visiting Faith

We understand that visiting any church for the very first time can be a tough and scary experience. We want to put you at ease. Your first visit to Faith will be a refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable experience for the entire family. We want you to experience inspiring music, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and “at home.”

About Us

We are an independent Baptist church. We are self-governing and follow God’s word as the guide for our faith and practice. 

Expository Preaching

Our method of preaching/teaching is to systematically study through books of the Bible in a “verse-by-verse” fashion. We fully believe that it is the Word of God that holds the life-changing power, therefore we put this into action by working carefully through Bible passages to understand the text’s context and proper meaning. Over time, this method completely covers the whole of Scripture. We believe every Word of God is important and worthy our attention (2 Timothy 3:16). God’s word makes all the difference.

Children's Church

Every Sunday morning, after the music service, children from ages 3-12 can enjoy participating in Children’s Church, taught by Mrs. Judy. 


We also offer a clean and efficient nursery for ages 0-2 yr. olds. If you are interested in either of these, simply ask one of our ushers about your needs when you arrive and they will help point you and your children in the right direction.


9:30 AM Sunday School

10:30 AM Morning Worship Service

5:00 PM Evening Worship Service


6:30 PM Prayer Meeting

7:00 PM Bible Study


Contact Us

You can contact us through Facebook, phone, or by email. Please let us know if you have any questions. We would love to hear from you. 
